associate with

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associate with

更新时间:2024-06-25 01:04:58

英 [əˈsəuʃieit wið]

美 [əˈsoʊʃiˌeɪt wɪð]

associate with基本解释

与 ... 常在一起; 和 ... 联想在一起


  • 临近词
For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.(原来犹太人和撒马利亚人没有来往。)
For example, one echo they quickly identify is the one they associate with a moth, which is common prey for a bat, particularly a moth beating its wings.(例如,他们很快就能识别出与飞蛾有关的回声,飞蛾是蝙蝠的常见猎物,尤其是扑打翅膀的飞蛾。)
Select the functional test script name, S1, which you need to associate with the TC1 test case, and click OK.(选择功能性测试脚本名,S1,您需要将其与TC1测试用例相联系,并点击OK。)
Table 3 shows the business variables we'll create and the policies we'll associate with them.(表3展示了我们将创建的业务变量以及相关联的策略。)
We really do become who we associate with and as you know, you should not associate with toxic people.(对于和我们有联系的人,我们就应该这样做,并且正如你知道的一样,你应该少和那些有毒害的人来往。)
This courtly poetry came out of the idea of chivalry and courtly love that you might associate with knights in shining armor.(这种宫廷风格的诗歌来源于骑士精神和宫廷式的爱情,你可能会把它与穿着闪亮盔甲的骑士联系在一起。)
The meanings we associate with the phrase will change accordingly.(我们与这个短语联系在一起的意思会随之改变。)
Leisure is not something we associate with China, the factory of the world.(休闲与有世界工厂之称的中国毫无关系。)
It is also the colour we often associate with calm and serenity.(我们也经常将它与沉着和宁静联系起来。)
What do you want people to associate with your brand?(你希望人们通过你的品牌联想到什么?)
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